Interfaces In Java

  Program to illustrate the concept of Interfaces

interface bycycle{
void speed();// you can only initialize methods in interfaces
void brake();// you can't declare any method in interfaces
interface code{
void cls();
class cycle implements bycycle { //implement keyword for the interfaces
public void brake() { //you must declare all the methods of interfaces
// or it will show error
System.out.println("decrement the speed");
public void speed() {
System.out.println("increment the speed");
public void xls(){
System.out.println("hy I'm class object");//you can add methods to class
public class interfaces {
public static void main(String[] args) {
cycle c= new cycle();

program to use two different interfaces in single class and also use inheritance in same class

interface bycycle{
void speed();// you can only initialize methods in interfaces
void brake();// you can't declare any method in interfaces
interface code{
void cls();
class class2{// you can also extend the class using inheritance in interfaces
public void object(){
System.out.println("hy, I'm class2's object");
class cycle extends class2 implements bycycle, code {
//implement keyword for the interfaces
// here i used two different interfaces in single class i.e.(bycycle and code)
public void brake() {
System.out.println("decrement the speed");
public void speed() {
System.out.println("increment the speed");
public void xls(){
System.out.println("hy I'm class object");
public void cls(){
System.out.println("hy, I'm second interface");
public class interfaces {
public static void main(String[] args) {
cycle c= new cycle();
c.brake(); //interface1 object1
c.speed(); //interface2 object2
c.xls(); //child class object
c.cls(); //interface2 object
c.object(); //parent class object

program to illustrate the concept of default keyword in Interface

interface car{
void drive();
interface truck{
void Load();
// 'default' keyword is used it initialize object in interface
//this helps if you have lots of classes, there is no need to initialize same object again and again
//you just need to call the object with class reference
default void tyres(){
System.out.println("repair all tyres before going");
class vehicle implements car,truck{
public void drive(){
System.out.println("driving car in highway");
public void Load(){
System.out.println("loading things in truck");
public class defaultMETHODS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
vehicle v= new vehicle();

Inheritance in interfaces

interface sample{
void method1();
void method2();
interface sample1 extends sample{
void method3();
void method4();
class random implements sample1{
public void method1(){
System.out.println("Hy, I'm method 1");
public void method2(){
System.out.println("Hy, I'm method 2");
public void method3(){
System.out.println("Hy, I'm method 3");
public void method4(){
System.out.println("Hy, I'm method 4");
public class inheritanceINinterfaces {
public static void main(String[] args) {
random r= new random();

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    Hello, I'm Vishal Rana  I'm 19 years old  I live in Himachal Pradesh and  currently I'm studying in college for my UG degree...